The $1,000.00 Pacifist Bible Bet

Will I cut you a check for 
(One thousand dollars)
on Monday, the 29th of May
Memorial Day 2017?

I will if you accept the terms of my wager and win the bet.

Term 1: Read and study the Bible with me for the next year.
Term 2: Answer one or two brain-dead 5th-grade questions each day.

I'll bet you $1,000
You will become a Pacifist.


I know what you're thinking.

I used to be like you. A few years ago I would have reacted to this website by saying, “There's no way I'm ever going to become a pacifist. If everyone were a pacifist, evil would take over and rule the world.”

Part of every disagreement is a matter of defining terms. Example:

  • I use the word "socialism" to describe
    • confiscation of wealth,
    • tyranny,
    • bitter poverty,
    • and mass death.
  • When some people use the word "socialism" they have in mind
    • compassion,
    • community,
    • harmony,
    • and oodles of free stuff from the benevolent government.

So what do I mean when I talk about a "Pacifist Bible Bet?"

  • You will become a Christian pacifist
    • That means taking Jesus seriously when He commands us to "love your enemies" and "resist not evil."
    • That means opposing all wars
    • That means rejecting all use of "lethal force" -- even in "self-defense"
    • That means repudiating your "Second Amendment rights."
  • You will tell "your" "elected" "representatives" to cut all war ("defense") spending (100%). (Your friends will say, "Are you nuts?!? You're leaving our country completely defenseless! We'll be invaded! We'll be conquered! We'll be destroyed!" You'll say, "Bring it.")
  • You will agree that an unrepentant soldier (one who does not publicly repudiate his participation in any war) should be excommunicated by his church.
  • You will become an "anarchist." Why? Because "Government is force" (as George Washington is reported to have said), that is, systematic, institutionalized violence. Since you reject all violence and aggression, you will begin working to abolish the government of the United States, and of every other country, state, or nation on the planet.
  • You will happily pay me $1,000 when you finish this Bible study because you will have experienced

    the most profound, beneficial, 
    massive, and lasting
    personal transformation
    of your entire life.

 Or I'll pay you $1,000.

Sound impossible? "Ill never become a pacifist," you say. Will you put your money where your mouth is?

The Fine Print

Of course there's "fine print." 
I didn't put up this website to pass out $1,000 checks to every Tom, Dick, and Harriet who shows up on Memorial Day, 2017 and says "Hey, I read the Bible last year, and I'm not a pacifist -- give me my $1,000!" You're going to have to jump through a few hoops to prove to me that you've been paying attention.

When you sign up, I'm going to start sending you two audio MP3s every day. You can listen to one in the morning as you drive to work, and the other as you drive home. I'm going to read the Bible to you out loud in a specific order (generally chronological) -- with a few comments. When you get home, answer one or two 5th grade-level comprehension questions. Nothing tricky or obscure. The issue of pacifism and Christianity is really obvious. You don't have to go to seminary to figure this out. Everybody knows (deep down) that Christians are required by Jesus to be pacifists. I'll keep a record of your progress.

Are we good so far?

Twice a month we're going to get on the phone and I'm going to ask you a simple question:

“Why aren't you a pacifist yet?”

I want a chance to answer your objections or other questions. Five minutes. I'm going to record our conversations. I'm going to post them on the web. Future employers will find you when you apply for a job. Try to sound intelligent and thoughtful. Don't sound like a jerk. (Which is to say, don't sound like most people on Facebook.)

Why I'm Willing to Risk $1,000 in the "Pacifist Bible Bet"

When I was a kid, I cheered war. I drew bombs exploding all over my "Pee-Chee" notebook. I was a conservative who thought anyone who opposed the war in Vietnam was evil, a commie, and an America-hater.

Then I encountered the John Birch Society, an organization that I largely agreed with, but they did not cheer the Vietnam war, "thus aligning the Society with the left." I realized "right-left" was itself a deception.

Then in high school I became a creationist. This changed everything. I saw that "science" was propaganda. It was a pawn of "the military-industrial complex." The Bible became my textbook in every area of thought and every human discipline. I became a "pacifist" with regard to the military, and an "anarchist" with regard to "the State."

During my lifetime, the U.S. government has killed, crippled, or made homeless tens of millions of innocent non-combatant civilians, including a million Christians in Iraq, a country where Christians once had religious freedom under a political thug who suppressed terrorists, but is now (thanks to the U.S. Government) an Islamic Theocracy under Shariah law. This is outrageously anti-Christian.

But few Christians are outraged.

They're worried that if everyone becomes a pacifist, evil will "take over" and "rule the world."

I've got news for you.

I can no longer reconcile the actions of "my" government with the teachings of the Prince of Peace.

I look back now and realize that there was a time when I would never have listened to a single word spoken by a "pacifist" or "anarchist" like me. I have become the enemy I feared when I was young. I am now an "America hater."

The only possible chance I have of getting someone like me (like you?) to read my "unpatriotic" rants is by offering a one thousand dollar "bribe" or "wager."

Why You Are Going to Lose This Bet

  1. The Bible is clearly, patently, obviously, inescapably pacifist.
  2. You are a victim of educational malpractice. (I'll prove this beyond all doubt in just a minute.)
  3. The Bible is so obviously pacifist, that the only person who would not see or admit that the Bible teaches pacifism is someone who has been brainwashed by sociopaths for 12 or more consecutive years and is now an unconscious member of a violent, authoritarian mind-control cult.
  4. Someone like you.

It's only going to take me a couple of conversations to prove to you that unless you're a sick psychopath, you're already a pacifist.

God says "Thou shalt not kill." 
The non-pacifist says Christians must not refuse to kill.
Jesus says "Love your enemies."
The non-pacifist says, Kill your enemies.
Jesus says "He who lives by the sword will die by the sword." (Matthew 26:52)
The non-pacifist says He who will not kill with a sword will be killed by a sword.
God says we must beat our swords into plowshares.
The non-pacifist says we must beat our plowshares into swords.
Jesus says "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13).
The non-pacifist says we must make the bad guy lay down his life for us.

The Bible is clear, but if you're an American like me, you went to schools that were operated by the same government that drops bombs on millions of civilians and forces poor countries to promote abortion and homosexuality in order to pay off the debts incurred by an unelected despot. Twelve years of education by an anti-Christian regime? No wonder you don't take the pacifism of Jesus seriously.

All your objections will be answered.

On our bi-monthly 5-minute check-in phone calls, I'll answer all your objections. In fact, I can cover most of the objections right here, right now. (That way, you can become a Christian pacifist right now without risking $1,000.00.)

Have you ever heard of the Westminster Catechisms? The Shorter Catechism was probably in every schoolroom in America in 1776. The Larger Catechism was for teenagers and older. Questions 134-136 of the Larger Catechism are a blueprint for pacifism.

Question 134: Which is the sixth commandment?
Answer: The sixth commandment is, Thou shalt not kill.

Question 135: What are the duties required in the sixth commandment?
Answer: The duties required in the sixth commandment are, all careful studies, and lawful endeavors, to preserve the life of ourselves and others by resisting all thoughts and purposes, subduing all passions, and avoiding all occasions, temptations, and practices, which tend to the unjust taking away the life of any; by just defense thereof against violence, patient bearing of the hand of God, quietness of mind, cheerfulness of spirit; a sober use of meat, drink, physic, sleep, labor, and recreations; by charitable thoughts, love, compassion, meekness, gentleness, kindness; peaceable, mild and courteous speeches and behavior; forbearance, readiness to be reconciled, patient bearing and forgiving of injuries, and requiting good for evil; comforting and succoring the distressed, and protecting and defending the innocent.

Question 136: What are the sins forbidden in the sixth commandment?
Answer: The sins forbidden in the sixth commandment are, all taking away the life of ourselves, or of others, ... ; the neglecting or withdrawing the lawful and necessary means of preservation of life; sinful anger, hatred, envy, desire of revenge; all excessive passions, distracting cares; immoderate use of meat, drink, labor, and recreations; provoking words, oppression, quarreling, striking, wounding, and: Whatsoever else tends to the destruction of the life of any.

If you obey the Sixth Commandment, and you never intentionally kill another human being, your are 99% a pacifist. (In fact, I don't even know what the other 1% would be. Just "hedging my bet," so to speak.)

I left out a phrase. You can see the ellipsis (" ... "). What I omitted are the typical objections to pacifism:

“except in case of public justice, lawful war, or necessary defense”

In other words, "Thou shalt not kill" prohibits killing, except for

  • capital punishment,
  • war and
  • "self-defense."

And that allows the vast majority of killing in our day to take place. Talk about the camel's nose! More than 10,000 human beings were intentionally killed by governments in the 20th century -- every single day on average. The pacifist says none of these killings were Biblically justifiable.

Here's why capital punishment is not Biblical.

"Self Defense" -- There's nothing wrong with defending yourself, according to pacifists. Lock your door. Run away. If someone is running at you with a sword, and you have a shield, use your shield. These are all valid methods of defending yourself.

But the phrase "self-defense" is terribly abused in two ways.

First, it is never necessary to kill the person you're defending yourself against. The Bible does not justify intentionally killing someone to preserve your own life. Jesus said it is better to lay down your life; better to be killed than to kill. Jesus did not kill those evil and wicked men who sought to take His life, and we are commanded to follow "in His steps."

Second, "self-defense" is usually a justification for escalating the violence, rather than preventing it. Consider this news account: one person punches another person, and that person punches back, claiming "self-defense." Defending yourself means blocking or avoiding a punch. It does not mean failing to defend yourself against incoming punches, and then taking vengeance by returning evil for evil.

Most of what is called "self-defense" is really retaliatory vengeance, which is expressly prohibited by the Bible.

What about war?

This is a "Memorial Day" wager, right?

We're supposed to honor those who lost their lives while attempting to deprive others of their lives.

In his Presidential Radio Address of May 26, 2007, President Bush said the following:
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This Memorial Day weekend, Americans honor those who have given their lives in service to our Nation. As we pay tribute to the brave men and women who died for our freedom, we also honor those who are defending our liberties around the world today.

On Memorial Day, we pay tribute to Americans from every generation who have given their lives for our freedom. From Valley Forge to Vietnam, from Kuwait to Kandahar, from Berlin to Baghdad, brave men and women have given up their own futures so that others might have a future of freedom. Because of their sacrifice, millions here and around the world enjoy the blessings of liberty. And wherever these patriots rest, we offer them the respect and gratitude of our Nation.

We must challenge the President on every one of these wars. The world was not made a better place by fighting these wars, and Americans should have chosen not to fight them:

The President gave this list of wars: We would take a second look at them:
Valley Forge Should Americans have killed Christians from Britain over a petty tax increase? Click here or go here:
Vietnam What did the loss of 50,000 Americans and millions of Vietnamese achieve?
Kuwait For whom did these Iraqi children die?
Kandahar How did the United States make Afghanistan a better place by not taking Jesus seriously, including the arming of Osama bin Laden's "freedom fighters" by the CIA?
Berlin Was East Germany and all of Eastern Europe better off after U.S. military involvement? Click here or learn more here.
Baghdad Would America's Founding Fathers have approved of $500 billion to kill millions of Iraqis and create an Islamic Theocracy? Click here or find out more about the use of Phosphorus weapons on the civilian population in Iraq

"War will exist until the distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige as the warrior does today."
-- John F. Kennedy

The calculated indifference of the [Clinton] administration to national defense has forced thousands of our most experienced and patriotic warriors to leave the military. We [Republicans] will once again make wearing the uniform the object of national pride.
-- Republican National Platform, 2000
During the 20th century, an average of 10,000 people were murdered each and every single day. These people were not murdered by people who are usually called "murderers." That's because the people who did the killing all wore uniforms of the various governments on earth. In the United States, 16,110 people were murdered during all of the year 2002 by "murderers," that is, private enterprise murderers not wearing an official government uniform, whose killings were not officially approved by the government. The government's justification for its own existence is protecting the world from killers. This is a lie.  During the last 15 years, during the Bush I/Clinton/Bush II years, the United States has killed approximately 2,000,000 men, women, and children in Iraq during various Gulf "wars," "operations," and embargoes. That's more than 100,000 per year, almost ten times the number of "private" murders committed per year. On the CBS News program "60 Minutes," on May 12, 1996, Lesley Stahl asked Madeleine Albright, later Secretary of State under Bill Clinton:

Stahl: We have heard that a half million children have died [in Iraq]. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?
Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it.

This is a "cost-benefit" question. To evaluate whether the cost was "worth it," you have to ask, "What benefit did we get for the price?"

  • The price in the 20th century: 10,000 killed per day, on average, every day for 100 years.
  • The price in Iraq in the last 15 years: 8,600 children over five years of age die every month while the number did not exceed 1,600 before "the gulf crisis."

What did these deaths bring us?

  • Benefit: Communist enslavement of more than a billion people
  • Benefit: an Islamic Theocracy in Iraq, where previously Christians had freedom.

And throughout the world during the 20th century, hundreds of millions of people have been subjugated under atheistic and socialistic tyranny with the aid of the nation that was supposed to be "a city upon a hill": the U.S.of A.

No war in American history actually led (in the long run) to

  • a higher material standard of living,
  • more freedom/less tyranny, and
  • greater Christian maturity.

Every war has had the opposite effect:

  • lowered standard of living (nobody is better off by blowing up infrastructure [except war profiteers]),
  • Government power and control ratcheted up, and never reversed.
  • Greater secularization (because the teachings of the Prince of Peace have been violated, and must be rationalized).

On Memorial Day, we should grieve for the loss of life, but resolve to eliminate all future wars. In other words, we should "beat swords into plowshares" and become pacifists.

On our bi-monthly, 5-minute phone conversations, I'll be asking you about "exceptions" to the Commandments of Christ. You'll find out none of them hold water.

I'm not asking you to become a passivist.

The word "pacifist" comes from the Latin word for "peace" -- like "pacific."
It does not come from the word "passive."
Pacifists are almost always asked, "What would you do if . . ." followed by some hypothetical violent scenario. Many pacifists have actually encountered such violence in real life. They have followed the "unrealistic" and "impractical" commands of the executed Christ, and the results have brought glory to God.

John Howard Yoder has collected some first-hand accounts of pacifism in action in his book, What Would You Do?

The pacifist is often slandered as someone who would actually assist a rapist, being a syrupy-spiritual pansy toward the rapist, turning the victim over to the rapist, rather than actively defending the potential victim by putting his own body between the rapist and the victim, or using one of hundreds of possible non-violent ways of deterring or persuading a rapist not to commit an act of violence. A pacifist is against violence, and therefore against violent ways of preventing violence. But a pacifist is never a "passivist," but is active in opposing violence.

There are an infinite number of possibilities in real life, and the "What would you do?"-question is usually very one-dimensional. But two can play at that game. Consider this imaginative situation:

You are "Star Trek" Captain James T. Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. You are on shore-leave, walking down the street of a planet in the Deltoid Galaxy with one of your never-ending stream of beautiful women at your arm, when a large burly alien with the tattoo "I AM A RAPIST" across his forehead jumps out from a dark alley, grabs your female companion and says "I'm going to rape this woman!" You pull out your Phaser gun and . . . here's the question:

Do you set the Phaser to "stun" and quickly put the rapist to sleep and call the proper authorities, or do you set your Phaser to "maximum molecular disruption" and utterly obliterate the rapist, ending his life, and dispatching him off to hell for all eternity?

When given such a choice, only a sociopath would choose eternal damnation through annihilation or lethal force. Everyone else is a "pacifist." It's that simple.

Just because a pacifist will not intentionally kill or injure someone, does not mean a pacifist just stands there picking his nose while violence has its way.

The man on the left is an "attacker." The man on the right is his intended "victim." 
The man in the middle is a "pacifist." He may get bruised, but he does not intend to bruise another.
Real life is more complicated than a game. Followers of the Prince of Peace overcome evil with good.
We seek the redemption of our attacker. The world will not be Christianized by the sword.

A follower of the executed Christ is motivated by love of enemy and redemption of enemy -- as well as prevention of violence. To persuade the attacker to repent of violence and become a brother in Christ is more important than defending my own life and thoughtlessly destroying the life of the attacker. I endure a few moments of attack in the hopes of reaping an eternal benefit for the attacker. This is what the life and teaching of Christ is all about -- not lethal "dominion" over evil.

The Goal of the Pacifist is Redemption, not Death.

Attackers are usually on drugs. The drug might be PCP, or it might be their own adrenaline, as they "psych" themselves up for the confrontation. It may be difficult to reason with or preach to the attacker in such a case. An attacker on drugs (of any kind) may need to be medicated -- "pacified" -- before he can be preached to or reasoned with. But God in His sovereignty can overcome drugs.

The pacifist is "optimillennial" rather than "pessimillennial." God sovereignly sends attackers as evangelistic opportunities.

The pacifist believes the Word of God is sharper than the sword (Heb 4:12) and does not return void (Isaiah 55:11).

Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Isaiah 55:11
So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

Life is an opera composed by God, who also directs the orchestra. Every great musical composition has tension and resolution. God has predestined some players to play violent, sour notes. Your job is to obey God's score and play pacifist, harmonious notes. In God's symphony, all notes work together for good. Have faith in the composer and conductor. Follow the score. Follow "in His steps."


Violence is a major theme of the Bible.


Genesis 3:15

And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”


Isaiah 53:5
But He was wounded for our transgressions, 
He was bruised for our iniquities: 
the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; 
and with His stripes we are healed. 

Isaiah 53:10
Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; 
He hath put Him to grief: 
When thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin, 
He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, 
and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand. 

Luke 4:18
“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,

Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are bruised

Romans 16:20
And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Terms (continued)

Term 3: You must be willing to develop a "Berean spirit."

Acts 17:11 says that the believers in the city of Berea were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so.

Term 4: You must be willing to be sharpened like iron.

Proverbs 27:17 says, As iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other.

Why You Are Going to Lose This Bet (continued)

  1. You don't have the personal discipline or character needed to read the entire Bible with an open mind on the subject of pacifism, militarism, and political idolatry. You're going to quit reading the Bible before the 365 days are up. (I won't try to collect my $1,000.00 if you withdraw from the wager before the year is up.)
  2. Again, this is because You are a victim of educational malpractice. (Proof in a minute.)
  3. You can't win this bet unless you're willing to read the Bible from cover to cover, a little bit every day for the next year.
    1. This is a one-year program. You can take longer, but you can't take less than one year to read the entire Bible and complete other program requirements.
    2. This is a 365-day program. You can take more days, but you cannot complete more than 1/365th of the program in any 24-hour period.
    3. You have to answer one or two easy, obvious, no-brainer, no-trick questions on each of these 365 days. "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?"

In order to understand the Bible as a Pacifist Manifesto, you have to have a basic education, such as children in 1776 had.

But you do not.

You are a Victim of Educational Malpractice.

Public schools in America were created 400 years ago with a single primary purpose: to make sure everyone in town could read and apply the Bible. (If you don't believe this, here's proof.)

But the same government that was busy escalating the Vietnam War, destroying villages "in order to save them," and lying to the American people, was purging the Bible from public schools, and the Supreme Court ruled in 1963 that public schools could not teach the Bible the way the Bible had been taught in public schools for the previous 350 years.

It is now "unconstitutional" for public school teachers to teach students that America's Declaration of Independence is really true. Public school students can only be taught that a bunch of dead white males used to believe it was true.

Atheistic Public Schools are thus un-American and anti-Christian.

In order to win this bet, you need to understand the Bible as well as the average 15 year-old in 1776. This will take some work on your part. You need remedial education.

If you were not declared "truant" by the government, you are a victim of educational malpractice.

According to one of the most important charters in American history, public schools were created to teach three things -- everything else was a means to this end:

  • religion
  • morality
  • knowledge

By "religion" America's Founders did not mean "the religion of Osama bin Laden" or "the Religion of Secular Humanism." America was a Christian nation. "Morality" meant Christian morality.

To understand many verses in the Bible, you must have a knowledge of history. To visualize the application of that verse to today's world, you have to have a knowledge of the way the world really works.

So in addition to reading the Bible, you're going to have to read four books during the next 52 weeks that will help you understand the Bible as well as the average 15 year-old colonial American kid.

  1. The most widely-circulated document in America in 1776 (behind the Bible) was the "Shorter Catechism," created in the 1640's by the "Westminster divines." The Westminster Assembly also created a Larger Catechism and a Confession of Faith. You should read all three. Here's why.
  2. In 1776 (the same year the Declaration of Independence was signed), Adam Smith wrote the first treatise on capitalism. Capitalism is the opposite of socialism, fascism, and communism. Capitalism is economic pacifism.

    Capitalism is a social system based on
    the rejection of the initiation of force or violence against others.

    Adam Smith's book was called An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations. We'll read a more modern defense of economic pacifism.

  3. Many people react negatively to the idea of applying the teachings of Jesus to public policy because they believe in the myth of "the separation of church and state." The "wall of separation" is in fact a myth, as Supreme Court Justice Rehnquist (later Chief Justice) eloquently explained. In 1892 the Supreme Court of the United States acknowledged that America was "a Christian nation." We'll read that Supreme Court opinion and the historic documents cited by the unanimous Court in support of the Christian history of America.
  4. America's Founders put the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" on the nation's Seal. Most Christians today don't believe this motto of optimism and future orientation. We'll read a book published in 1876 that defends the optimistic vision that made America the most prosperous and admired nation on earth.

Why You Will Not Accept My $1,000.00 Bet

  1. Because you know you're going to lose the bet. (See above.)
  2. Because it's a "waste" of your time.

You're not a fool. I'm asking you to read the Bible and allow yourself to be persuaded to become a pacifist and (ultimately) an anarchist. It takes 70 hours to read the Bible from cover to cover. If you live in Seattle, you can get a job that pays a "living wage" of $15.00 an hour. (Actually, you can't, but let's pretend.)

$15/hr x 70 hours = $1,050.00 

If you want to make $1,000.00 and you've got 70 hours to blow, you're better off flipping burgers.

  1. I am an ideological slave-driver.

You might say, "But flipping burgers is work. Reading the Bible is easy.

No it's not. Because I'm going to ask you to think about it. Trust me, this is going to upset your whole day. Every day. For the next 365 days. When "Iron Sharpens Iron," sparks fly. You've been deceived about the Bible by the ruling military oligarchy that controls universities and the mainstream media. They realize that the Bible is an anarchist manifesto that de-legitimizes their political and erotic revolution. It's no fun realizing you're a victim of educational malpractice, a member of a violent authoritarian cult, and an anti-christ. I'm going to stick your face in the wars and violence you support and make you eat it.

  1. Not really. I was elected "Class Clown" in high school. I'm going to try to make this as enjoyable and persuasive as I know how, and I learn from comments and suggestions from subscribers as to how to do this.
  2. But this wager is not worth your time if you think you can get "something for nothing."
  3. In fact, I'm hoping that at least 10% of the people who read this webpage will pay me outright to "coach" them into pacifism and anarchism.
  4. I don't actually "hate America." But I do hate what America has become. George Washington would too. Here's a path to coaching:
  5. So forget the "bet." Just pay me to help you become a Bible-believing Christ-follower. Which is to say, a Bible-believing anarcho-pacifist.

This website is a knock-off of an earlier website, "The Anarchist Bible Bet."

Anarchist Bible Bet Home Page

  1. Why you're going to lose this bet.
  2. Why you will be delighted to fork over a thousand bucks after you lose this wager.
  3. If you're asking, "Who the heck are you people? Why should I trust you? click here.
  4. If you want to know all the details about our Online Home Bible Study Course, click here.
  5. You Need a Coach
  6. If you're confused, click here for more details. Or arrange a time when we can talk on the phone.

If you still want to accept my wager, fill out this form:

What are the biggest reasons you do not identify yourself as a "pacifist?"

I'll reply to your email with the next step in our One Thousand Dollar Pacifist Bible Bet. For a preview of terms and conditions, see this website, which has the same terms and same program as the "Pacifist Bible Bet":

www.Anarchist Bible

If you don't like betting, or you realize deep down you cannot afford to lose $1,000 (and you will lose), you can purchase our home-study program and develop a pacifist Biblical worldview.

We'll be rolling out several programs as Memorial Day 2016 approaches. Among them:

In the meantime, please peruse this website:

www.Would Jesus Celebrate Memorial

Or this one:


Use the form above. Instead of typing in your biggest objection to pacifism, just tell us you're interested in signing up for one of our peacemaker coaching programs. We'll send you more information.

Sign Up Before Monday, May 30, 2016 at 11:59 pm
(Memorial Day 2016)
and Get A Substantial Discount

Forget about the "bet." Just pay for the privilege of getting a personal coach to steer you through the Bible and help you become a pacifist. If you enroll in our home-study program before Memorial Day 2016, we'll reduce the price from $1,000.00 to just one dollar a day. Each day you'll receive MP3 files to listen to in the car while you drive to work, and before you know it, you'll have the equivalent of a Ph.D. in Biblical anarcho-pacifism. (Or at least a B.A.)

We'll bill you.

Actually, we won't "bill" you, we'll just nag every so often. Just sign up now. There's really no obligation. Just get started. No credit card required. If you believe the program is worth something, make a tax-deductible donation to our sponsoring 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt organization, Vine & Fig Tree. (home page)

AWeber form goes here.

Financial Frankness

In order for me to record and deliver two mp3's every day to everyone who signs up, I need to raise $3470 to build the infrastructure that will deliver the content and monitor the wagerers. That means

  • Nobody will be denied the content because they can't afford it, but
  • Nobody will get access to the program without sufficient tax-deductible donations.

You can make a tax-deductible donation here:

Or mail your check to
"Vine & Fig Tree"
P.O. Box 179
Powersite, MO 65731

I apologize for sounding like Oral Roberts.

If you desire, I'll return your tax-deductible donation if there is not sufficient support to move forward with this.